There have been many changes in Skye's world recently. As parents, the decisions that Tyler and I make are not necessarialy the most popular or even good ones. We try to choose the best things for Skye and if in the course of our journey find that those choices are not working out we reserve the right to change course. Im gonna go through some of the MOST asked questions about Skye cuz it seems like that is what everyone wants to know and also so that i can remember some of the key points in Skye's life at the time. In revealing the answers to some of these questions please remember the old addage that your mother told you... "If you don't have anything nice to say, say nothing at all." Tyler and I have stressed about many of the small and large choices we have made for Skye and truly feel that we are doing what is BEST for our family.
Are you still breastfeeding?
No. We are officially done breastfeeding. Skye was exclusively breastfed for 5 1/2 months and is still getting breastmilk in her bottles until we run out of frozen milk. Dont let anyone tell you that breastfeeding is easy. At first it hurts and pumping sucks!! literally!! Skye was always good at it but after going back to work things only got harder. I was finding that i was in a perpetual state of hormone craziness and just got so tired of it i couldn't do it one more minute. When Skye was born we set a breastfeeding goal of 6 mo and i feel like i met my goal and even though i grieved over giving up breastfeeding it helped our whole family to function better.
What is Skye eating?
Skye gets bottles of mostly formula with some breastmilk -- We use Earth's Best Organic formula (Its a little expensive but we feel it's way worth it.) She eats only organic rice cereal and baby food and eats 3 solid meals a day. So far she is up to eating bananas (her fav!!), pears, apples, carrots, sweet potatoes, and peas.
How big is she?
At her 6 month appointment she weighed 16 lbs which is 50th percentile and was >97 percentile in height..i think she is gonna be tall like her Nana. She is wearing anything from 6 mo to 12 mo in clothing and a sz 3 diaper.
How is she sleeping?
Currently Skye is going through sleep training. We are using the Sleep Sense program -- . Basically we create a rigid routine for before naps and at bedtime which signals her that it's time for sleep. We put her down awake! At this point in the program there are two options 1.) stay in the room with baby to comfort her or 2.) leave the room for a predetermined amt of time before returning to comfort her. We chose #2 -- we were finding that Skye got more worked up for us to be in the room. During this time she is learning how to fall asleep on her own so that the multiple times that she wakes in the middle of the night she can seamlessly go back to sleep like you or i do. How is it going, you ask? Well Skye is sleeping through the night EVERY NIGHT! She is taking two 2 hr naps at basically the same times every day and is only whimpering or fussing for a few min and often not at all. My little angel just lays her head down and puts herself to sleep! This program was 50$ and i say that it's worth every cent!!!
That's pretty much everything i can think of. This may have been very boring for some of you, upsetting for some who disagree with our choices and interesting to some. If you have any encouraging words i would love to hear them :) This kinda gives you a glimpse into the daily life of Skye Ansley.