Wednesday, June 9, 2010

What a day!!

Posted by Stephanie & Tyler at 8:57 PM 0 comments
Being a mom is one of the hardest and most rewarding jobs i have or ever will have! Below is a typical day when im off of my job as an RN and on duty as "Momma"

7am wake up call!!! Goodmorning angel! I change your diaper and play in the mirror for a moment
7:15 we sit down on the couch and you drink your bottle while I try to steal sips of my coffee (sooo sleepy)
7:30 we get down on the floor and play with your toys while i finish my coffee. You love your little plastic house.
8:30 you eat breakfast, usually cereal fruit and yogurt
8:45 you sit on the floor with me and play. I try to sneak away to put in some laundry or do dishes. Ususally it is really hard to do anything while you are awake because you are going through separation anxiety and refuse to let me get any chores done :)
10:00 start the naptime routine and put you down for your nap
10:15 my chores go into over time : laundry, dishes, changing sheets, cleaning cat box, water plants, pick up bedroom, make bed
11:50 I finally have a second (usually because im absolutely starving) to sit down and eat
1200 after 5 bites of my breakfast/lunch i hear you cry on the monitor
12:30 time for lunch for you, usually you eat some veggies only and then a bottle afterward
1:00 we play for another hour - while i try to finish my chores
2:00 time for your second nap of the day
2:15 take a shower and FINALLY finish all the chores i have
3:00 it is usually a shorter nap so I hear you crying on the monitor
3:30 after chnaging your diaper, your clothes and packing your bag we run out to get some chores done...usually whole foods!
5:00 get home from our chores and try to put away the groceries and keep you happy at the same time which is NO easy task. At this time of the day you are normally kinda cranky :(
6:00 dinner time for you. You really chow down for dinner: cereal, veggies, yogurt and fruit
6:30 bath time for bonzos! you love your bathtime...often you cant even wait for us to get you in the time and start crawling toward the bathroom naked as a jaybird
7:00 We start your bedtime of my favorite times of the day! You get a massage and i get to hold you like a baby while you finish your bottle its one of the only times of the day when you will sit still :)
7:15 This is when mommy and daddy time starts and we start to cook dinner
8:30 dinner was GREAT! now we sit in bed and watch a little TV before bed
10:00 bedtime -- 9 continuous hours of sleep!! Love It

Below is a picture of me brushing your teeth and us playing "makeup" inside your play area - you absolutely love it when i brush your face with my dry powder brush!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Too lucky for words!

Posted by Stephanie & Tyler at 11:15 AM 0 comments
Being a NICU nurse is the most rewarding and also the most challenging job I have or will ever have in my life! Events this week at work have weighed very heavy on my heart. It's been one of those weeks where i have come home and squeezed Skye a little tighter and a little longer! A few times this week i have cried simply because i am so lucky to have her and that she is 100% perfectly healthy. How are Tyler and I soooo lucky. There are times that as a F/T employee and F/T mom and wife that i feel run down, like i wanna run away and spend a moment alone. Not this week. I have been drinking in every second with Skye this week like she was water and I was a woman dying of thirst! If you're not a parent yet then i don't think you could even understand because i simply CANNOT explain it. Its the way i think it would be like looking at God. You almost have complete silence in that moment of respect, unworthiness, grace, beauty, innocence. Reflecting on the love i have for my daughter makes me want to cry and laugh at the same time. I feel like my heart is going to explode out of my the love i have for her is all encompassing and is too much to be contained in my chest !

On another note Skye has hit a few milestones this past week that are noteworthy. She said her first word "DADA" I think at this point she thinks both Tyler and I are dada cuz she says it a lot around me too. She doesn't really say it indiscriminately around others but just really us :) Everyone says that "DADA" is the first thing all babies say because it's easiest to say. I'm going out on a limb and still calling it her first word because she can realize that she is speaking and that we understand her too. That recognition is what I'm considering her "first word." Also she is standing on her own. Not for very long, about 30 seconds, but she is doing it all on her own. She will often pull up on something on her own, find her steadiness, and then lets go. She's up for a few seconds to a minute and then she realizes she's standing and falls down. A few times i have seen her pull up onto something, let go (standing independently), and transfer onto something else. Its amazing how fast she is growing up! It shouldn't be long before she's walking...maybe as soon as a few weeks to 2 months is my guess. I'm pretty sure i have told you already that she had a second tooth! I think a third and fourth are VERY soon to come. The picture i have included in this post is of her in the tub and you can see her beautiful little teeth.


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