As today is Skye’s first birthday I felt it only fitting to tell you all how this crazy ride all started. As most of you know Skye was very much planned and so we knew at 4 weeks that we were pregnant. My first 2 months of pregnancy were pretty rough as I was battling nausea and bronchitis simultaneously. I actually showed up to take my NCLEX exam with some “preggie pops” and halls drops. The rest of my pregnancy went by pretty much uncomplicated. Towards the end of my pregnancy I began having some uterine irritability which is like one continuous contraction. On September 3rd I went in for my 27week appointment and this was the first time to be “checked” by the MD. I was shocked when she said that I was 3cm dilated, 90% effaced and -1 station. I started getting really excited to meet our little angel. The uterine irritability got so bad that I had to leave work and start my maternity leave on September 7, Labor Day, in extreme pain. I tried to rest a lot and try not to get too anxious. When I went in for my 28week appointment and was checked again I was 4cm dilated and 100% effaced. My OB was impressed and all she could tell me was that it would be soon, maybe even that weekend! I left that office so super excited I could hardly stand it. I started doing a few exercises to get Skye to come and also to pass the time. September 15th around 10pm I started having some pretty extreme pain. I couldn’t sit, couldn’t stand, I got in the tub and couldn’t get in a comfortable position so I looked like a pig on a spit rotating in the tub. Tyler got super anxious and was telling me “get out of the tub, we gotta go to the hospital.” I wanted to wait a few minutes before we left to see if it would go away. We waited about 30 min and then headed into Presbyterian Hospital Dallas. They got me set up on the monitor and “checked” me. I was at 5cm dilated and they noticed on the monitor the uterine irritability. They encouraged me to drink a lot of water and wait 1 hr to be checked again to see if I made any progress. After about 30 min the uterine irritability gave way to actual contractions that were coming about every 5 min and were relatively uncomfortable. At the one hour mark they checked me and determined that I had not progressed from my 5cm dilation. We were given the choice to stay and labor or go home and be “checked” in our doctor’s office in the morning if we were still contracting. We chose to go home and they gave me an ambien so I could get some sleep. I woke up at 10am September 16, 2009 still having really uncomfortable contractions. We went to Dr. Ann Lutich’s office and she checked me. She said “Well, you bought yourself a ticket to L&D, you’re a 6! I’m gonna pre-admit you and then I’ll come over and we will break your water and get you your epidural.” We were so excited and drove straight over to L&D.
The epidural came about 30 minutes after I arrived and I was so pleased to finally get some relief. Approximately 20 minutes after my epidural was placed Dr. Lutich broke my water and then I had to wait an hour to be checked again. When they came in to check me again they notified us that I was now 8cm dilated and our perfect angels arrival was imminent and to tell them if I start feeling more pressure. Approximately an hour after that I started feeling quite a bit of pressure so they checked me again and said we were at a 10 and it was time to push. All family was escorted out of the room and we pushed 2-3 times. I felt like I really wasn’t’ ready to push yet and asked if I could wait just a little bit longer. We waited about an hour till the pressure got more intense and we started pushing again. About an hour later Skye was born and gave mom an episiotomy and a 4th degree tear due to her arm being up like a ballerina. This is the moment that my whole world changed forever. This little person who was living inside of me is now crying and breathing air and is 100% perfect and healthy. Before she was born I could not even imagine how much my heart could swell with love. I truly felt like my heart was growing so big that it was going to burst out of my chest. It is now exactly one year later and though Skye hasn’t always been the “easiest” of babies she is the blood rushing in my veins, the breath in my lungs, my love, my life!