So i know that it's been over a month since i have last been on. Things have been crazy. It's true what they say that when your baby starts crawling its on... So i guess ill start with a little run down on the new things Skye is doing.
* Cruising - walking while holding onto something or someone. I really think she will be walking independently before her 1st birthday.
* gained another tooth #3 - Skye cut her top right tooth! We are patiently waiting on #4 (#3's twin to the left)which should be cutting through any minute! You can see that 4th tooth bulging out and the only way that you can tell it hasn't cut yet is because when you touch it it feels like a small sliver of gum still covering :( Poor baby! must hurt like crap!
* Hugs - this is by far my favorite new skill. She will lay her head down and hug things. Mommy and Daddy, the cat, bear bear, her monkey, her grandparents.
* Kisses - Now don't get me wrong, she doesn't pucker up for a loving smooch from Mommy just yet. I can say to Skye "Give Mommy a kiss." and she will look at me and let me come in and give her a kiss without fighting or turning away. This is good enough for me now. A kiss and a hug from my favorite angel!
* Eating big people foods - she's eating more and more adult foods like Cheerios, tuna fish, mac and cheese, and almost anything else that Mommy and Daddy are eating -- while they are eating it. If we are to sit her in her chair and feed her the exact same thing with her baby spoon she doesn't like it as much as off Mommy's plate and off Mommy's fork!
* She is trying soooo hard to say Mama...she will say real quiet under her breath, like she's practicing.
* We are now a pro at opening cabinets and drawers and pretty much anything else that she's not allowed to get into. There is a cabinet in our kitchen that she loves to crawl into and get into all the envelopes and games...
* Skye has learned how to throw a temper tantrum! The other day i gave her a bite of my pizza. She was chewing on it and pushed it to the side of her mouth. She looked at me and opened her mouth for more. I said "No Skye, eat whats in your mouth." She started screaming and stomped her foot on the ground!!!!! A ten month old!! She will kick and scream if you try to take her away when she has really gotten into something good. She's even bitten me a few times. I don't think if was out of anger but still...she has some sharp little teeth and they hurt :(
* We have begun initial planning for Skye's birthday party. Its gonna be Sept 18th at Tee Pee Hill at White Rock Lake. Its so cool, there is a covered pavilion and a playground, were gonna grill hot dogs and hamburgers and its surrounded by white rock lake and there are ducks!!! I cant wait so save the date!!
She's so amazing and she grows everyday. It's so much fun to watch her discover this world around her! I will try really hard to at least post something every other week...I guess all i can say is i will try my best :)
23 months
12 years ago
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